A10 Tournament: Rd 1 vs Umass - Thu March 13, 9pm CSN/A10

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Ernie Calverley
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Re: A10 Tournament: Rd 1 vs Umass - Thu March 13, 9pm CSN/A1

Unread post by RF1 »

Hurley should get a 12 yo CYO team in to help with the ft shooting as they do it better.

Much of the problem with this team is execution and mental toughness/decision making. They obviously have some talent if they can get leads or stay with the top teams in the league. The roster is however too thin and the team seems to lose mental focus and miss free throws, make bad decisions, turn the ball over, and make execution errors.

I really hope much of this is due to key players being young such as EC and Hassan and they will in turn learn and get better. I however fear that some of the other players are what they are and will never improve much. I think Gil, Jarelle, Iffy, and Biggie fall into this category. They all are certainly not as was advertsied. Gil has talent and played much better at Rutgers. I however wonder if Gil was so mentally abused by Rice that he may never recover and get back to the player he once was.

Can't say I am sorry to see this season end. It was another frustrating campaign that sometimes showed flashes of what could be but could never be sustained enough to make a difference. They are getting closer and hopefully they learn how to close and win games next year. Priority #1 right now is for staff to get out there recruiting and get some help.
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Re: A10 Tournament: Rd 1 vs Umass - Thu March 13, 9pm CSN/A1

Unread post by RF1 »

I am glad we don't have to face Chaz anymore. His UMass teams have dominated us the last three seasons. I also really didn't care much for Chaz and most all of this UMass team and its antics. They really seem like a bunch of punks. Don't like Kellogg either. His slicked back hair reminds me of a used car saleman and his association with sleazy Calipari doesn't help. Don't like the UMass fanbase much as well. Seem really trashy and low class.
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Frank Keaney
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Re: A10 Tournament: Rd 1 vs Umass - Thu March 13, 9pm CSN/A1

Unread post by rodfromcranston »

Chaz was shut down by TJ. 3-12 and 11 points.
Putney and Lalanne were non factors.
We made Esho look like a hero, inside.
Our defense was outstanding. Our second half offense was
I didn't see Hassan make any visible mistakes, so he's the youngest
player on the floor. EC looked like he was in a fog all night.
Biruta may be the most frustrating player I've seen at URI.
One great play, followed by one bonehead one. All season long.
I can't say it's all mental, but I'm sure part of it is. He's lucky he didn't
get tossed and get a T when he punched Williams. What was
he thinking?
Speaking of Rutgers, they got beat by 61 points by Louisville.
Wonder if Dan wishes he'd taken that nowhere job?
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Re: A10 Tournament: Rd 1 vs Umass - Thu March 13, 9pm CSN/A1

Unread post by rambone 78 »

The future is EC, Hassan, and hopefully Garrett. The rest right now are role players.

Got to add a couple more this April-May to compliment those 3. We need more help.

Who we get will tell just how far we go next season.

I'm going to stick by my prediction that we'll Dance in 2 years. While the transfers will improve next season, there's not enough talent there to get us over the hump.

I'm sorry, but there was some serious choking going on last night. Will another offseason cure those ills? Will the FT shooting improve?

It HAS to, or we'll still lose way too many close games.
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Re: A10 Tournament: Rd 1 vs Umass - Thu March 13, 9pm CSN/A1

Unread post by RAM67 »

If Umass has the offensive game they had against us tonight, they'll be toast against GW.
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Re: A10 Tournament: Rd 1 vs Umass - Thu March 13, 9pm CSN/A1

Unread post by Ramtastico »

RF1, you just stole my post! My 8th grade AAU/travel team shoots 70%, and that is not good enough for me! I have clumsier 8th grade centers that have learned after just 10 games not to get early fouls, much less 32 games in.
All these transfers that are underwhelming just proves the point that they came from leagues that I personally had more respect for but maybe they cannot handle A10 teams and players.
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Re: A10 Tournament: Rd 1 vs Umass - Thu March 13, 9pm CSN/A1

Unread post by rambone 78 »

Rod, I think Dan really hopes he can get a FULL TEAM in here for once, and see what they can do.

The transfers, as it's turned out, were a band aid, and not a great one either. There's some talent, but it's dysfunctional talent.

It's going to take two more years of recruiting, to have the type of players Dan wants at every position.

Again, as to last night, guys from UMass who were lousy FT shooters stepped up, whereas we completely gagged. They [UMass] certainly had enough practice shooting them!

That mental toughness isn't there yet. Some of our players [read the transfers] just don't have seem to have what it takes.

Our 6th man [JR] played like the 12th man last night. Didn't help. No bench, plus an off night from EC, doomed us.
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Re: A10 Tournament: Rd 1 vs Umass - Thu March 13, 9pm CSN/A1

Unread post by rodfromcranston »

While the transfers came from good conferences, maybe that they
all came from mediocre-bad programs is more telling.
EC and Hassan came from winning high school programs. Hassan spoke about
how difficult all this losing has been.
I think there's a different mindset to coming from a winning situation than
coming from a losing situation.
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Re: A10 Tournament: Rd 1 vs Umass - Thu March 13, 9pm CSN/A1

Unread post by rambone 78 »

Rod, when the transfers were announced, you could have colored me unimpressed. Their numbers were underwhelming, there's a reason why they played limited minutes where they came from.

Maybe Dan saw potential that just wasn't there, as it's turned out.

I DID think Gil would be good. And he is at times, but that's the problem, there's nothing consistent about him. His BB IQ has never been good, even though he's a good passer. Playing out of position hasn't helped, maybe he'll finally show us something next year when he has more help [Watson + ?] inside.

Iffy is just that, iffy. He might turn out OK with more seasoning.

It's the other two that have totally disappointed. JR and Biggie have shown flashes, but they aren't A10 level players. They've had enough time to prove they shouldn't get much PT going forward.
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Re: A10 Tournament: Rd 1 vs Umass - Thu March 13, 9pm CSN/A1

Unread post by rodfromcranston »

Here's what I think went on with Dan, concerning these transfers.
All three were players he was familiar with when he coached at St. Benedicts,
or at Wagner.
He had Billy leave, Holton leave, and there was a desperation to fill out a viable roster.
Maybe he saw things in these players at a different level, and felt they could somehow
translate that to A-10 ball?
One theme Dan has said repeatedly, was his underestimation of the A-10.
So, a combination of overestimating these players, and underestimating
the league, lead to a perfect storm of mediocrity.
We can only judge the big picture, once Hurley has his own four year players
on the court. Obviously he can supplement the roster with transfers and
jucos. I think he knows that's not the way to built a real program.
If we grab Gustys and a wing player, in addition to Garrett and Watson, I'll be very happy
with our future outlook.
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Re: A10 Tournament: Rd 1 vs Umass - Thu March 13, 9pm CSN/A1

Unread post by rambone 78 »

The thing that bothers me about Dan's earlier view of the A10, sounds like an excuse.

If you want to be a national program, if you want to Dance and advance in the Dance, you've got to be at the top of your league, or even better than that.

The transfers he brought in, aren't good enough to be at that level. Heck, they aren't good enough to be in the top half of the league, much less the top of it.

I know he had to fill a roster fast. So overall that's understandable.

At least now he knows what it will take. EC, Hassan, and Garrett are a start. Much more to do.
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Re: A10 Tournament: Rd 1 vs Umass - Thu March 13, 9pm CSN/A1

Unread post by rodfromcranston »

I don't see it as an excuse. I see it as an honest admission.
Unless he's a great actor, I really think he felt these guys
were good enough.
Maybe he saw how Munford competed against the league and figured
the other three could replicate what X did?
He gets it now. We doubled our win total, and lost 11 games by 7 or less
and six by less than four.
It's not a quantum leap to see that with the right additions, many things should
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Re: A10 Tournament: Rd 1 vs Umass - Thu March 13, 9pm CSN/A1

Unread post by NJ03 »

Haven't been to a URI vs UMASS game since college and last night reminded me how much I despise that school. Their fans were relatively quiet for most of the game until the last two minutes when we were constantly heckled by hillbilly trashy old men that resemble what you would see on peopleofwalmart.com. It took all the willpower I had not to jump back two rows and knock out the few remaining teeth they ha left. If my girlfriend wasn't with me I probably would have. I did get the chance to speak to a bunch of great VCU fans who were there rooting for our Rams. Very smart and knowledgeable hoop fans and extremely polite Will be pulling for the other Rams the rest of the tourney and anyone who plays UMass.
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Re: A10 Tournament: Rd 1 vs Umass - Thu March 13, 9pm CSN/A1

Unread post by ramfan85 »

What really frustrates me about this game (besides the ft shooting) is the fact that they played so hard and still looked lost in the last 5 minutes. The defense was very good throughout the game. Everyone attacked the boards. There's no question that this team wanted this game.
But, the offense and shooting disappeared as the game went on. Schoolyard ball prevailed. It's as if they felt they were on their own and had to do something. Shot selection got worse near the end.
EC had a bad game. It happens. I'm not concerned about him going forward. Martin gets better, and tougher, each game.
The big disappointments were the transfers. They're the older players on this team.
JR simply doesn't belong at this level. Gil is an enigma. His early foul trouble can't be tolerated next year. He should be coming off the bench. You can't have a game plan for starters that can't stay on the floor. Gil could have easily fouled out early in the second half last night. He was pushing, punching and grabbing all night.
These transfers are taking up a roster spots for 3 freakin' years.
After watching PC earlier in the day, it's hard to accept the fatigue factor. They looked (PC) like they could have gone another 20 minutes if they had to.
If we can't get some talent in here next year, there won't be better results, no matter how our 3 core for the future players develop.
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Re: A10 Tournament: Rd 1 vs Umass - Thu March 13, 9pm CSN/A1

Unread post by BCRhody03 »

Ill probably take some heat for this (I took some before the season when I made this point) but EC needs to work on his right hand more in the offseason. Part of the reason he struggled last night was because UMASS was forcing him to go right every time. He can crossover to his right hand but he almost always goes back to his left hand before he shoots. Good defensive teams will pick up on that. I'm as excited as the rest of you for his future, but he has to get stronger with his right to keep other defenders honest going forward.
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Re: A10 Tournament: Rd 1 vs Umass - Thu March 13, 9pm CSN/A1

Unread post by Kingston »

I know its been said before but I feel if the same roster that went to Italy in the summer played last night we would have won and may have won all of those close games. I think that team would be on the bubble or better right now. While the foul shooting was very disappointing I feel it was the players let us down, not so much the coaching, which was the case in many of the previous years. Right now we are throwing out a bunch of transfers that left teams that are the same if not worse than we are. Because Baron left such a train wreck we looked at these transfers as saviors. These guys are pieces you add to roster not ones you build on. We now have building blocks with EC and Hass who by the looks of things are going to be very good. I sometime feel like this season was like the watching the Celtics where you will put up with some of the losses cause you see good coaching, some talent in some young guys, and realize with what we are bring in in the future is going to be better than the talent that's is out there now. Next year we kill Umass and I will pay for Chaz's ugly mom (who looked like beatlejuice the midget from howard stern) to go to the game so I can celebrate like a I just had my name called on the price is right.
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Re: A10 Tournament: Rd 1 vs Umass - Thu March 13, 9pm CSN/A1

Unread post by Billyboy78 »

When a player barely catches the rim on two straight free throws, and that player has played 10-15 minutes in the game, fatigue has nothing to do with it. It's total lack of confidence. I want players who WANT to be on the line in those situations, not ones who dread being in them. And this player is not a terrible shooter. For some reason, he has no confidence. That player needs to be at the end of the bench going forward.
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Re: A10 Tournament: Rd 1 vs Umass - Thu March 13, 9pm CSN/A1

Unread post by TruePoint »

Kingston - right on about everything, especially Chaz's gross mother.
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Re: A10 Tournament: Rd 1 vs Umass - Thu March 13, 9pm CSN/A1

Unread post by TruePoint »

Ha there is a UMass fan trying to post here complaining about the refs ... um UMass shot like 80 free throws. What a clown.
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Re: A10 Tournament: Rd 1 vs Umass - Thu March 13, 9pm CSN/A1

Unread post by rodfromcranston »

Billyboy, maybe we need a team hypnotist?
Yes, I loved seening turtlepussed mother of Chazz instead of the game.
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Re: A10 Tournament: Rd 1 vs Umass - Thu March 13, 9pm CSN/A1

Unread post by Billyboy78 »

rodfromcranston wrote:Billyboy, maybe we need a team hypnotist?
Yes, I loved seening turtlepussed mother of Chazz instead of the game.
Do we have a team psychologist? I know a lot of teams do. Hey, it couldn't hurt.
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Re: A10 Tournament: Rd 1 vs Umass - Thu March 13, 9pm CSN/A1

Unread post by rodfromcranston »

Sorry, can't answer that one.
I have to prepare to root for my Friars, with Andy Gresh.
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Re: A10 Tournament: Rd 1 vs Umass - Thu March 13, 9pm CSN/A1

Unread post by Seawrightspostgame »

Did the mods remove the UMASS fan post? thats awesome.

With all the turnovers and fouls early in the game it was excusable because they were still balls to the wall aggressive.

At the end they let up on the gas and lost aggression. Our team seems to hit a mid-50 point wall and has for the past 2 years.

Its like they get to the mid 50s and stop competing. Not enough focus or something.

Hope that changes cause they could win a lot of games.

Hope Gil drops the cheap stuff. I am partial to real physical play but a weird punch before the play starts just for sake of the punch is just too far in the strangely dirty column.

I feel like the mid 50s for this team has been analogous to standing on the edge of a cliff you just climbed and realizing your high up.

If they put their heads down and kept pushing they would have won a few more this year.

Hope it changes for next year because it will truly b exciting around here.

Even DH didn't hide his emotion when he saw them choking at the line. He knew then and there. Kids don't seem to believe its possible to have late game heroics for them. Hope it changes.
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Re: A10 Tournament: Rd 1 vs Umass - Thu March 13, 9pm CSN/A1

Unread post by rodfromcranston »

The UMass clown was trying to say Hassan was faking when he got head butted.
Guess the nosebleed was a fake blood capsule like the old time wrestlers used to use.
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Re: A10 Tournament: Rd 1 vs Umass - Thu March 13, 9pm CSN/A1

Unread post by Rhody15 »

Jarelle Reischel honestly played the worst basketball game I have ever, ever seen. Point blank lay ups missed, air balled a 3, turnovers, barely hit rim on 2 free throws,. It really looked like (not saying he did, so relax people) he was throwing the game. So pathetic to watch.
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Re: A10 Tournament: Rd 1 vs Umass - Thu March 13, 9pm CSN/A1

Unread post by steviep123 »

I'm not over last night's game to speak on the board. Last night was disappointing. We played well enough to win for the first 30 mins then as others said "hit a wall" or got spooked. They really need to be much better at free throws. The 11-23 was horrible and missing 4 or 5 in a row (including front ends of 1-1s) let UMass back in that game. UMass did do a great job on defense especially in the 2nd half (X was torching them!) and did too good a job on the offensive rebounds. That all kept them within arms reach and we weren't able to pull away.

One of the positives I have taken away from this was this morning, it suddenly dawned on me, this was the first time in ages I was excited to watch an A10 tournament game and was upset that they lost as opposed to previous years of it being a foregone conclusion. It feels great to care again!
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Re: A10 Tournament: Rd 1 vs Umass - Thu March 13, 9pm CSN/A1

Unread post by steviep123 »

In case this wasn't posted earlier - here's the press conference from last night:

Bleed Keaney Blue!

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Re: A10 Tournament: Rd 1 vs Umass - Thu March 13, 9pm CSN/A1

Unread post by ramfan85 »

rodfromcranston wrote:Sorry, can't answer that one.
I have to prepare to root for my Friars, with Andy Gresh.

Rod is referring to a caller I heard (hope some others did, too) today on Andy Gresh's Boston radio show. I only caught the end. It was a caller from Providence named Jim. I didn't hear what the caller said, but, I sure heard what gresh replied.
The caller wanted to talk BE basketball. (I wish I heard the beginning). Gresh closed the call by saying that the NBE is nothing more that the A10 with one very good team. He went to call them just a mid major league that no one cares about, except, maybe "A Rodfromcranston."
He closed by saying that the ACC would be moving them out of MSG in a few years.
I guess Andy follows the local boards.
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Re: A10 Tournament: Rd 1 vs Umass - Thu March 13, 9pm CSN/A1

Unread post by ATPTourFan »

Seawrightspostgame wrote:Did the mods remove the UMASS fan post? thats awesome.
Not exactly, but a UMass fan tried to sign up and troll this thread but his posts never became public, since new accounts must have their posts approved. You can tell a lot about someone's first post when they don't know it will be reviewed.
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Re: A10 Tournament: Rd 1 vs Umass - Thu March 13, 9pm CSN/A1

Unread post by bressler3south »

rodfromcranston wrote:The UMass clown was trying to say Hassan was faking when he got head butted.
Guess the nosebleed was a fake blood capsule like the old time wrestlers used to use.
Ah, the good ol' days of Jack Witschi's!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: A10 Tournament: Rd 1 vs Umass - Thu March 13, 9pm CSN/A1

Unread post by Iggy1979 »

I didn't have time to read all 9 pages of comments, so some of my thoughts might duplicate what others have said:
- Great first half by X. The turnover that led to two points hurt
- I'm trying unsuccessfully to forgot that 10-minute stretch.
- The refs were awful. The non-call when TJ (?) was knocked into the backcourt ....
- The most disappointing player this year to me what JR. Another awful line of 0 points, 3 turnovers, 4 fouls.
- I actually thought Biggie looked OK, and think the team will be much better at PG next year.
- This team got better defensively, and the half-court sets got better, but they never improved on turnovers and missed FTs. While most of that is on the players, Hurley has to take a hit for that too.
-- Go get more players!
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Re: A10 Tournament: Rd 1 vs Umass - Thu March 13, 9pm CSN/A1

Unread post by Ramulous »

My main takeaway.....too many of our players were afraid during crunch time when the big lights were on.....
F*ck Alacki, DarthFriar, DirtyBeanFriar94, xCoachK, Boxworth, Friar Faithful, bicycleicycle, Matt_Keough, Patrick Norton, the Rosato brothers, and especially Benjamin Lord !
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Re: A10 Tournament: Rd 1 vs Umass - Thu March 13, 9pm CSN/A1

Unread post by Iggy1979 »

Ramulous wrote:My main takeaway.....too many of our players were afraid during crunch time when the big lights were on.....
Understandable for freshmen, and maybe sophomores, but not juniors and seniors.
"Every season, college basketball has one or two teams that rise from dormancy to relevancy, squads that make long-awaited charges at the NCAA Tournament and become really fun storylines along the way."
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Re: A10 Tournament: Rd 1 vs Umass - Thu March 13, 9pm CSN/A1

Unread post by adam914 »

Iggy1979 wrote:
Ramulous wrote:My main takeaway.....too many of our players were afraid during crunch time when the big lights were on.....
Understandable for freshmen, and maybe sophomores, but not juniors and seniors.
I agree to an extent, but even our juniors and seniors have never played in a game like that before. So the experience doesnt really match the age in this case.
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Re: A10 Tournament: Rd 1 vs Umass - Thu March 13, 9pm CSN/A1

Unread post by RIKen822 »

Greensboro newspaper says ACC to Barclays is a done deal for 2017. No word on impact to the A10
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Sly Williams
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Re: A10 Tournament: Rd 1 vs Umass - Thu March 13, 9pm CSN/A1

Unread post by Seawrightspostgame »

Must be tough for Dan to say goodbye to Xavier. Kid was all in.
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Ernie Calverley
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Re: A10 Tournament: Rd 1 vs Umass - Thu March 13, 9pm CSN/A1

Unread post by RF1 »

bressler3south wrote:
rodfromcranston wrote:The UMass clown was trying to say Hassan was faking when he got head butted.
Guess the nosebleed was a fake blood capsule like the old time wrestlers used to use.
Ah, the good ol' days of Jack Witschi's!!!!!!!!!!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Now a CarMax location (at rtes 1 and 295 in North Attleborough).
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rambone 78
Frank Keaney
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Re: A10 Tournament: Rd 1 vs Umass - Thu March 13, 9pm CSN/A1

Unread post by rambone 78 »

Wow what a dump that place was.

But what atmosphere! The air was so thick with smoke you could barely breathe.

The wrestling was awesome though.
Carlton Owens
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Re: A10 Tournament: Rd 1 vs Umass - Thu March 13, 9pm CSN/A1

Unread post by bressler3south »

One Friday night during the mid-60's, I went there with my little brother and my grandmother. All of a sudden, a drunk guy puked -- right on another guy!!! The two of them immediately started brawling. My brother, never one to mince words even at age seven, said, "Ugh, gross!!! Look at these losers!" and my grandmother, without missing a beat, replied, "Isn't this great…Just wait for the real midget wrestlers."
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
rambone 78
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Re: A10 Tournament: Rd 1 vs Umass - Thu March 13, 9pm CSN/A1

Unread post by rambone 78 »

Ah...anything goes...and it usually did back then.

The real good ol' days.

Another place...The Arena.....North Main St. next to the National Guard Armory... Providence Reds games...concerts....another smokey dump...but a ton of fun.
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Re: A10 Tournament: Rd 1 vs Umass - Thu March 13, 9pm CSN/A1

Unread post by bressler3south »

And after the games, as a kid, the obligatory stop at Kelly's, for a bagful each of burgers and fries!!!!!!!!
rambone 78
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Re: A10 Tournament: Rd 1 vs Umass - Thu March 13, 9pm CSN/A1

Unread post by rambone 78 »

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Re: A10 Tournament: Rd 1 vs Umass - Thu March 13, 9pm CSN/A1

Unread post by rhodylaw »

JR and biggie are good enough to be role players in the A10. If JR played 10 minutes a game I think we would have a different opinion of him. He was not the ideal 6th man this year, even worse when he was starting. Not giving up on the kid, he has some ability and with work can become that 7th/8th guy on a good team.
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Re: A10 Tournament: Rd 1 vs Umass - Thu March 13, 9pm CSN/A1

Unread post by bigappleram »

JR needs to add strength, confidence, and a more consistent corner/outside shot

Iffy needs a baby hook, or 1-2 solid low post moves to combine with his hustle and pretty good nose for the ball. Could use a big man camp.

They do that and both can be great role players on a good team.
Frank Keaney
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Re: A10 Tournament: Rd 1 vs Umass - Thu March 13, 9pm CSN/A1

Unread post by Billyboy78 »

rhodylaw wrote:JR and biggie are good enough to be role players in the A10. If JR played 10 minutes a game I think we would have a different opinion of him. He was not the ideal 6th man this year, even worse when he was starting. Not giving up on the kid, he has some ability and with work can become that 7th/8th guy on a good team.
I haven't seen anything from Jarelle that leads me to believe he can play at this level. He's supposed to be a decent shooter, but turns down open shots and drives to the hoop where he gets swallowed up, and throws up wild shots. He has a bad handle and has lost the ball over and over. The worst part is that he seems to be scared to death out there. He has zero confidence. I'm not sure about Biggie yet. He's definitely not afraid. He's tough. I like that about him. I'm not sure what kind of role he plays. I don't like him as a PG and he's not a good enough shooter to be a SG. But I do think he can help in some way.
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Frank Keaney
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Re: A10 Tournament: Rd 1 vs Umass - Thu March 13, 9pm CSN/A1

Unread post by rodfromcranston »

I'm with Billyboy on this one.
Reischel showed well in early season against mediocre
opponents. He had a breif revival in early February,
and he's regressed to even worse than his bad games.
His lack of strength and bad handle are glaring problems.
Biggie can help as a backup PG.
Our fearless players were, TJ, X, and Hassan .
Everyone else showed the yips at times of stress.
< Arthur is my spirit animal.
Frank Keaney
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Re: A10 Tournament: Rd 1 vs Umass - Thu March 13, 9pm CSN/A1

Unread post by Billyboy78 »

My last two posts ended up in the wrong thread. Oops. They were supposed to go in the "Next Year" one. Oh well.