Not Good Publicity

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Frank Keaney
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Not Good Publicity

Unread post by ramster »

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Frank Keaney
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Re: Not Good Publicity

Unread post by TruePoint »

It's what college kids do. I was there for the 2004 World Series and things got ugly. It was fun.

Just looks like a couple misdemeanors, which for a group of 1000 college kids is actually pretty impressive. Still think cops should be more crowd control than ordinance enforcement at times like that, and not sure why the projo thought this was a super important story to report (how many other misdemeanors do they write up? Maybe they do it all the time and that is why they are failing?).

As a retired pizza delivery guy, though, I do feel bad for the driver who's car was roughed up. And if they catch the kids who broke lights a bill for them should accompany their next tuition statement.
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Sly Williams
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Re: Not Good Publicity

Unread post by Rhody74 »

Yeah, not good, especially when WJAR news decides to call it a "riot".
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Re: Not Good Publicity

Unread post by Taylor Swift »

I was a sophomore in 2003 for the Sox/Yankees riots. They flipped over a hall director's car and lit dumpsters on fire. I remember a few students getting suspended, and remember one student who was actually expelled from the university.

A few years ago Pauly D game to pick up a girl he was dating from her dorm to take her out to dinner and a couple hundred students showed up outside for that, too.
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Re: Not Good Publicity

Unread post by Maineiac66 »

During a visit to the campus a few years ago, a fraternity brother and I decided to take a tour of the police station which was the original Phi Mu Delta house before we moved to our new house in 1964. I really got a laugh in that our old social room was now occupied by jail cells! Probably some hidden irony there.

I suspect some of the participants of Sunday's activities became occupants.

The year before I came to URI they had a riot during a snow day that made the papers all the way up in Maine.
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Ernie Calverley
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Re: Not Good Publicity

Unread post by RF1 »

A near riot was fun? Attitudes like that are a real problem.

I hope the police charge the culprits and URI expels them. That will teach them a very valuable lesson. There is no excuse for destruction of property and assaulting police officers.
Frank Keaney
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Re: Not Good Publicity

Unread post by ramster »

TruePoint wrote:It's what college kids do. I was there for the 2004 World Series and things got ugly. It was fun.
Just looks like a couple misdemeanors, which for a group of 1000 college kids is actually pretty impressive. Still think cops should be more crowd control than ordinance enforcement at times like that, and not sure why the projo thought this was a super important story to report (how many other misdemeanors do they write up? Maybe they do it all the time and that is why they are failing?).

As a retired pizza delivery guy, though, I do feel bad for the driver who's car was roughed up. And if they catch the kids who broke lights a bill for them should accompany their next tuition statement.
Surprising response from you. You think this is what college kids do? That was fun"?
I very strongly disagree with you.

You mention the lights and the pizza guy but not the police officers.
When students throw full cans and bottles of beer at Police Officers adn EMS Personnel that is Riot mentality. I can't fathom any student at my University of Rhode Island doing such a thing.
For me there should be no second chance for anyone who there cans, bottles, snowballs, blocks of ice or other debris at Police Officers and/or EMS Personnel.
These people are for our public safety - their job is to protect us.

I hope the University and Police interview everyone they can. Anyone who was found to be throwing anything at Police or EMS should be expelled immediately - not end of semesterbut NOW. I don't want them at my State School.

In all of my life, all of my years associated with URI I have never heard of Students intending to hurt Police or EMS personnel like this
A thrown full can or bottle of beer could cause severe damage and could even kill. When the item is thrown it is intended cause damage. A police officer or EMS person could lose an eye, lose teeth, loose mental capacity, could die. A policeman was hit in the back of the head!!!!! Imagine if a Policeman was killed? or anyone was killed? Someone could have been killed.
This was a disaster.
It was not a mistake by the Projo to print this - it was mistake by some URI students.

Students found to be throwing stuff at Police, EMS and the Pizza driver should be:
1. Expelled - never allowed to return to URI
2. Pay for all damages
3. Pay for all medical bills
4. Apologize
5. Work in a Hospital Emergency Room

This from the Projo Article:
Six URI students were arrested, four by the URI campus police and two by the South Kingstown police. Seven Rhode Island state troopers also responded in an attempt to control the growing crowd of Patriots fans.
- Four of the police officers were injured.
- Students broke several lamp posts with snowballs.
- Police said up to eight lights on the Elephant Walk outdoor stairway were damaged, along with a Ronzio Pizza delivery car.
- A South Kingstown police officer suffered a serious wrist sprain during the free-for-all.
- Another South Kingstown officer was struck in the back of the head with a full can of beer.
- A URI police officer suffered a minor cut
- another was hit in the leg with a can or bottle of beer.
- Other officers were struck by snowballs and blocks of ice.
- URI’s EMS ambulance was pelted with snowballs, ice and other debris.

“Most of those who participated simply had fun celebrating a great victory,” she said. “But the actions of a few members of the group are deplorable and show a complete lack of the respect for the University, its police officers and other law enforcement officers. I assure you that those found to be culpable by the criminal justice process and our own student conduct process will face severe consequences.”
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Frank Keaney
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Re: Not Good Publicity

Unread post by TruePoint »

I read the article. I have very little sympathy for police in these situations. I think they should just stand back and let kids do their thing. I felt the same way about the St. Patrick's day thing at UMass last year.

I don't want to see anyone get hurt, but I wish kids would just be allowed to enjoy their revelry and not have it treated as Serious Crime by the bored local cops or as some sort of scandal by the desperate and failing local paper. Revelry is what college is about (at least in large part).
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Frank Keaney
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Re: Not Good Publicity

Unread post by ramster »

Little sympathy for police in this situation?

I would have to have been there observe fully to offer a complete opinion on the matter but I can't approve no matter what the circumstances any student throwing a full beer bottle, a full beer can, a piece of ice or a snowball at anyone but especially a police officer or a EMS person.
To me there is no excuse, no justification, and anyone doing it should be expelled immediately.

Something like this just set back ever allowing alcohol back on campus many steps.
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Frank Keaney
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Re: Not Good Publicity

Unread post by TruePoint »

You cannot throw full beer cans at anyone, including police. That is barbarian level stuff. But my point is more general: why do the police need to provoke and instigate? Just let the kids blow through all of their energy. Once it is out of their system they'll go to bed. Police are too excited about any opportunity to throw on the riot gear and bust heads, IMO. If they get some blow back on it occasionally that is unfortunate but not totally unexpected. I'm glad nobody was seriously hurt.
"If you build it, they will come." --Us, circa 2011
Frank Keaney
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Re: Not Good Publicity

Unread post by ramster »

TruePoint wrote:You cannot throw full beer cans at anyone, including police. That is barbarian level stuff. But my point is more general: why do the police need to provoke and instigate? Just let the kids blow through all of their energy. Once it is out of their system they'll go to bed. Police are too excited about any opportunity to throw on the riot gear and bust heads, IMO. If they get some blow back on it occasionally that is unfortunate but not totally unexpected. I'm glad nobody was seriously hurt.
URI could learn from what UMASS did after having had violence in the past. ... ebrations/ ... lebra.html
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Sly Williams
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Re: Not Good Publicity

Unread post by Seawrightspostgame »

Who is to say that the worst of the crowd was even students, when I was at school there would always be several people out and about that were not students.
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Re: Not Good Publicity

Unread post by bressler3south »

Had this go-around with T-P and his perspective….Believe it had to do with Down-the-Line (how appropriate!) student residents.
There are more constructive ways to celebrate, saw the videos of students.
NOT GOOD IMAGE OF URI, FOR URI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, yeah: The police were there to provoke and instigate. Wow…..
Suggest you read Elias Canetti's "Crowds and Power."