Geno Auriemma and the Lady Huskies of Uconn

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Geno Auriemma and the Lady Huskies of Uconn

Unread post by Rhodymob05 »

Personally, there should never be a 60 point win deep in a NCAA tournament. Something is wrong with women's basketball. ... ment-video
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Carlton Owens
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Re: Geno Auriemma and the Lady Huskies of Uconn

Unread post by rjsuperfly66 »

There is nothing wrong with women's basketball, but this is a problem with the setup of women's collegiate basketball. To gain professional eligibility, a player must stay in college for 4 years. UCONN has benefitted, having 8 of the last 14, soon to be 9 of the last 15 Women Naismith POY. Breanna Stewart will be receiving her 3rd straight, Maya Moore/Tina Charles similarly dominated from 2009-2011. Diana Taurasi also won multiple in the early 2000s. You combine these extremely talented women being forced to stay at their respective schools for four years, and you are setting them up for dominance. Like men's teams, the top teams will consistently recruit among the top recruits. But unlike the men's games, those kids will all mostly leave after one season. Imagine if Anthony Davis stayed 4 years at Kentucky? Or if Lebron was forced to choose and stay at college for 4 years?
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Re: Geno Auriemma and the Lady Huskies of Uconn

Unread post by RhowdyRam02 »

It looks like the maximum salary for a WNBA veteran is $109,500, I'm not sure what the maximum is for a player on their rookie contract. Even if they could leave college early, how many would for that kind of money?
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Re: Geno Auriemma and the Lady Huskies of Uconn

Unread post by rjsuperfly66 »

Women who play in the WNBA typically play overseas as well, where salaries are much better. Most average foreign contracts are around $100K, marquee players can make around $600K, and the stars can earn over $1 million. The big time women's players really rely on foreign ball and endorsements to make money, the WNBA is minimal. I'd guess the biggest reason many of them play in the WNBA is because the local exposure helps land the US endorsement contracts.
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Re: Geno Auriemma and the Lady Huskies of Uconn

Unread post by RF1 »

Hundreds of millions are following Geno's words - they are not watching women's college basketball.

His program's total dominance of the sport does not help it. It is a not a sport when the outcome is so predetermined.
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Re: Geno Auriemma and the Lady Huskies of Uconn

Unread post by rodfromcranston »

Look, as I said in another thread.
The rules are the same for everyone.
You don't like what's happening?
Then you beat UConn, and stop bitching.
Auriemma hasn't had the top recruiting class in
Somehow he maintains excellence.
Has there ever been a whisper that he broke any rules? Nope!
So, what do all the cry babies want?
Play 5 on 4? Give the opponent s 20 points before
the opening tap?
Back when the Yankees had Ruth, Gehrig et al, the cry was,
"Break up the Yankees".
People hate the Pats from beating the salary cap and
Did people cry about John Wooden's total domination
of the men's game at UCLA?
Maybe you can get Bernie elected and share the UConn wins with
all the losers?
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Re: Geno Auriemma and the Lady Huskies of Uconn

Unread post by Ramulous »

My only gripe is with the state of women's college basketball in terms of parity........There is UConn alone on it's own planet.....then maybe 5 or 6 other pretenders to the crown.....and the rest are all dregs for the most part......the margin of victory is so huge with UConn that it takes viewership away from the sport...and it is so big with the next level as to make it unenjoyable.....

Geno likened it to the dominance of Tiger Woods in his day......but he wasn't winning by 30 strokes every time out.....he won often but there was some close wins......nobody can stay within 25 of UConn.....not even the next tier of teams....and the dregs cant stay within 40....and this is in the championship tournament....
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Re: Geno Auriemma and the Lady Huskies of Uconn

Unread post by TruePoint »

rodfromcranston wrote:Look, as I said in another thread.
The rules are the same for everyone.
You don't like what's happening?
Then you beat UConn, and stop bitching.
Auriemma hasn't had the top recruiting class in
I think you're making a couple wrong arguments here. It isn't that most sports fans don't like what's happening, it's that they don't care. Women's basketball is a non-competitive sport because the same team wins a laughable amount of the time and by laughable margins. And the people that don't care because the sport is non-competitive are under no obligation to try to help other teams beat UConn (?), they're just simply not going to watch. Most people feel that way, just look at the ratings. You don't have to agree with them - entertainment is always a matter of taste - but I don't think you can tell them they are wrong to feel that way, either.

As far as class rankings, I have no idea if that is true or not. But if it is true, all that means is that the people doing the rankings have no earthly idea what they are doing and they probably shouldn't bother ranking girls high school basketball players. Only a crazy person would look at a team that wins games by an average of about 45 points and hasn't lost in four years and convince themselves they don't have the best players. Without ever having watched any of these teams or players, my guess is UConn has the best two or three players in the country, eight of the best 20, and no other team has more than 2 of the best 50 players. That is what the results seem to show.
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Re: Geno Auriemma and the Lady Huskies of Uconn

Unread post by rodfromcranston »

So cry me a river, but you fail to come
up with any remoter solutions.
So, UConn should be punished for just being that much better
than anyone else?
Even Pat Summit buckled under to the UConn power.
Again for a closer comparable, look at what
UCLA with Alcindor, Walton et al used to do to
average opponents.
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Re: Geno Auriemma and the Lady Huskies of Uconn

Unread post by TruePoint »

Why should I come up with a solution? I don't care. That's the whole point. I don't think it is incumbent on UConn to do anything about either.
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Re: Geno Auriemma and the Lady Huskies of Uconn

Unread post by rambone 78 »

Everybody will be happy next season.

UConn will be very good of course, but will not be as dominant. They might even lose a few games, and not win a championship either.

Their big 3 are done. Tuck could play another year, but she says she's leaving.

Things run in cycles. This might be the end of this one. Geno might retire soon too.

Who will want to follow him? Whoever it is [Daley, possibly] has a hard act to follow, and will get the brunt of criticism when they don't win it all.

The league they play in could play a factor down the road too.

Every major sport has had at one time or another, a dominant team [or teams] for a number of years. This is no different, even if you don't consider women's college BB to be a major sport.
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Re: Geno Auriemma and the Lady Huskies of Uconn

Unread post by STC »

It will never happen but I would be interested to see what Auriemma would be as a coach in men's college basketball.
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Re: Geno Auriemma and the Lady Huskies of Uconn

Unread post by rodfromcranston »

Listen. Any man who can get 13 women
to work as a team, year after year,
for 30 years, is a miracle worker in my book.
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Re: Geno Auriemma and the Lady Huskies of Uconn

Unread post by rambone 78 »

If any men's team with decent talent worked together as well as the UConn women, they would be very hard to beat.

I've been to a number of their games, and watched their players move without the ball.

The fundamentals displayed put most any men's team to shame.
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Re: Geno Auriemma and the Lady Huskies of Uconn

Unread post by rjsuperfly66 »

Geno's recruiting classes aren't always the best, but one thing I do think he is penalized for is getting the ones who count. His ladies have won 6 out of 8 POY's, and those 3 players were all ranked #1 in their class. He loses Stewart who has won 3 of them, but he still has a #1 ranked player in Samuelsson who will be a sophomore, brought in a #3 player for next year, and still has plenty of upperclassman talent on the roster. Does he coach them up, or are they that good? It's tough to say, given their recruiting rankings unless you saw them extensively as high school players.

UCONN definintely plays a team-style basketball which is fun to watch for a purist, but the women's game, just like the men's game, can be dominated by a few great players. The difference is that in the men's game, a team of upperclassmen can beat the talented top-ranked players, usually because those guys are freshmen or sophomores and headed to the pros. You don't see someone as talented as Anthony Davis staying in college for four years. You don't see a Kevin Durant who scored 26 points on 47% shooting as a freshman, stay in college for another three years. If these guys were forced to, the level of parity in college basketball would drop drastically. A team like Villanova who recruits reasonably well but hardly dominates the Top 50 would just be another blip on the radar compared to Duke, Kentucky, Kansas, etc. But instead they have a chance, because they recruit well and they develop talent, where other programs are factories with high-turnover, who get good enough talent to usually be very good but don't have the chemistry or experience that can often lead to tournament losses.

That's why people are interested and care about the men's game. The women's game, x's and o's wise, is a far superior product. But ESPN can market #1 UCONN vs. #2 ____ all they want, but for the average consumer it's not even raising an eyebrow because we assume it's going to be another UCONN blowout. And maybe we flip by it in the second half, but if the scores not close, it's not being watched. That's so much different from the men's game, where #1 vs. #2 is appointment television that usually lives up to the hype. And crazy things might happen, where Villanova smashes someone UCONN-eque in the Final Four, but guess what? They get paired up in the Finals with a team and play an all-time classic, after playing another fun game in the Elite 8. Does anyone believe UCONN/Syracuse will be a close game? The spread for that game would be UCONN-24 according to Jeff Sagarin.
Last edited by rjsuperfly66 8 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
Frank Keaney
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Re: Geno Auriemma and the Lady Huskies of Uconn

Unread post by ramster »

A very interesting article as to why UCONN is good for basketball. Very interesting as to how Geno recruited Stewart and what he said to her during the Duke game she attended.................

I also love this from Geno:
"She's got a lot of guts, Stewy does," Auriemma said. "And you know what we talk about on our team a lot is courage. … We've tried to explain to them that old saying that Winston Churchill said, 'Courage is grace under fire.' It's not the absence of fear. It's being able to do what you have to do while you're afraid.
"And I think Stewy has been as good as anybody that's ever played basketball at being able to do exactly what she has to do while being afraid," Auriemma said. ... 47556.html
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Re: Geno Auriemma and the Lady Huskies of Uconn

Unread post by rodfromcranston »

Great article, Ramster.
I watched Auriemma do Center Stage on YES.
He's funny, and a great story teller.
The dynamic between him and Calhoun was interesting.
Neither like the other.
Neither was shy about admitting it, either.
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Re: Geno Auriemma and the Lady Huskies of Uconn

Unread post by rambone 78 »

They have one thing in common, well actually two things:

They aren't very nice guys away from the camera.

But they can coach, that's for sure.
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Re: Geno Auriemma and the Lady Huskies of Uconn

Unread post by SGreenwell »

rjsuperfly66 wrote:Geno's recruiting classes aren't always the best, but one thing I do think he is penalized for is getting the ones who count. His ladies have won 6 out of 8 POY's, and those 3 players were all ranked #1 in their class. He loses Stewart who has won 3 of them, but he still has a #1 ranked player in Samuelsson who will be a sophomore, brought in a #3 player for next year, and still has plenty of upperclassman talent on the roster. Does he coach them up, or are they that good? It's tough to say, given their recruiting rankings unless you saw them extensively as high school players.

UCONN definintely plays a team-style basketball which is fun to watch for a purist, but the women's game, just like the men's game, can be dominated by a few great players. The difference is that in the men's game, a team of upperclassmen can beat the talented top-ranked players, usually because those guys are freshmen or sophomores and headed to the pros. You don't see someone as talented as Anthony Davis staying in college for four years. You don't see a Kevin Durant who scored 26 points on 47% shooting as a freshman, stay in college for another three years. If these guys were forced to, the level of parity in college basketball would drop drastically. A team like Villanova who recruits reasonably well but hardly dominates the Top 50 would just be another blip on the radar compared to Duke, Kentucky, Kansas, etc. But instead they have a chance, because they recruit well and they develop talent, where other programs are factories with high-turnover, who get good enough talent to usually be very good but don't have the chemistry or experience that can often lead to tournament losses.

That's why people are interested and care about the men's game. The women's game, x's and o's wise, is a far superior product. But ESPN can market #1 UCONN vs. #2 ____ all they want, but for the average consumer it's not even raising an eyebrow because we assume it's going to be another UCONN blowout. And maybe we flip by it in the second half, but if the scores not close, it's not being watched. That's so much different from the men's game, where #1 vs. #2 is appointment television that usually lives up to the hype. And crazy things might happen, where Villanova smashes someone UCONN-eque in the Final Four, but guess what? They get paired up in the Finals with a team and play an all-time classic, after playing another fun game in the Elite 8. Does anyone believe UCONN/Syracuse will be a close game? The spread for that game would be UCONN-24 according to Jeff Sagarin.
I think this is a really good write-up, and it's part of the reason why restricting player movement, regardless of the league, can result in stagnation that can make for a less interesting product.
Frank Keaney
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Re: Geno Auriemma and the Lady Huskies of Uconn

Unread post by ramster »

SGreenwell wrote:
rjsuperfly66 wrote:Geno's recruiting classes aren't always the best, but one thing I do think he is penalized for is getting the ones who count. His ladies have won 6 out of 8 POY's, and those 3 players were all ranked #1 in their class. He loses Stewart who has won 3 of them, but he still has a #1 ranked player in Samuelsson who will be a sophomore, brought in a #3 player for next year, and still has plenty of upperclassman talent on the roster. Does he coach them up, or are they that good? It's tough to say, given their recruiting rankings unless you saw them extensively as high school players.

UCONN definintely plays a team-style basketball which is fun to watch for a purist, but the women's game, just like the men's game, can be dominated by a few great players. The difference is that in the men's game, a team of upperclassmen can beat the talented top-ranked players, usually because those guys are freshmen or sophomores and headed to the pros. You don't see someone as talented as Anthony Davis staying in college for four years. You don't see a Kevin Durant who scored 26 points on 47% shooting as a freshman, stay in college for another three years. If these guys were forced to, the level of parity in college basketball would drop drastically. A team like Villanova who recruits reasonably well but hardly dominates the Top 50 would just be another blip on the radar compared to Duke, Kentucky, Kansas, etc. But instead they have a chance, because they recruit well and they develop talent, where other programs are factories with high-turnover, who get good enough talent to usually be very good but don't have the chemistry or experience that can often lead to tournament losses.

That's why people are interested and care about the men's game. The women's game, x's and o's wise, is a far superior product. But ESPN can market #1 UCONN vs. #2 ____ all they want, but for the average consumer it's not even raising an eyebrow because we assume it's going to be another UCONN blowout. And maybe we flip by it in the second half, but if the scores not close, it's not being watched. That's so much different from the men's game, where #1 vs. #2 is appointment television that usually lives up to the hype. And crazy things might happen, where Villanova smashes someone UCONN-eque in the Final Four, but guess what? They get paired up in the Finals with a team and play an all-time classic, after playing another fun game in the Elite 8. Does anyone believe UCONN/Syracuse will be a close game? The spread for that game would be UCONN-24 according to Jeff Sagarin.
I think this is a really good write-up, and it's part of the reason why restricting player movement, regardless of the league, can result in stagnation that can make for a less interesting product.
How much more attention, interest, attendance, viewership, enthusiasm would there be in women's college basketball if UCONN did not dominate?
A lot more
The same
A little Less
A lot less

My guess it would all be the same. Much discussion about something that has little impact.
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Re: Geno Auriemma and the Lady Huskies of Uconn

Unread post by rjsuperfly66 »

I don't know Ramster, I think people would watch if they knew there was a chance of a competitive product. People may not talk as much, but I'm sure they would watch more. Now, my only interest is to wake up in the morning and see how much UCONN won by, it's practically more predetermined then a WWF match. It's Hulk Hogan versus Barry Horowitz. So we may talk more about it, but we won't be watching, or at least I'll speak for myself and say I'm watching the Bruins tonight, and maybe, just maybe, if I see Syracuse is close at halftime via my ESPN app will I even consider flipping by, and I don't think I'm close to alone in that.
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Re: Geno Auriemma and the Lady Huskies of Uconn

Unread post by rambone 78 »

Syracuse might harass them early and keep it close, but the sheer talent difference will win out in the end.

UConn by 15-20. I don't think this will be a huge blowout. There could be some nerves out there early.

Some have said that if any team could hang with them until the end, they might force a couple of mistakes and steal a close game.

UConn this year has no experience playing a close game, so there's that.

I just doubt that it would get to that point.
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Re: Geno Auriemma and the Lady Huskies of Uconn

Unread post by rambone 78 »

50-23 at half. Oops.

Never seen anything like this. Total domination right to the end, even in a FF.

The way I look at this, hey enjoy it while you can, because it's about to end imo.

That's if you enjoy massacres almost every game that is......
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Re: Geno Auriemma and the Lady Huskies of Uconn

Unread post by rodfromcranston »

Congratulations to UConn women on
making history.
In this day of taking the easy way to do things,
Geno demands perfection and gets it.
Well done.
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Re: Geno Auriemma and the Lady Huskies of Uconn

Unread post by ramfan85 »

I could live with the Pats being like that. Monotony can be way underrated.
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Re: Geno Auriemma and the Lady Huskies of Uconn

Unread post by rjsuperfly66 »

I deleted that post because I don't want to sould crazy, I just don't appreciate what Geno has done. Hold that, it's cool within the scope of his own sport. But the men's and women's games are vastly different and largely incomparable. I guess one could say the same when Wooden was a coach, although their level of dominance wasn't anywhere near as drastic. ESPN flashed a stat up this morning that in the NCAA Tournament, UCLA's MOV was 15. UCONN's is 27. Am I more impressed with Geno and his titles, or Coach K and his 4 (or whatever it is)? I'm more impressed with Coach K, because he actually has had to face resistance. And that's why I don't think I'm easily swayed to hop aboard the Geno train.
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Re: Geno Auriemma and the Lady Huskies of Uconn

Unread post by rodfromcranston »

As I've said, everyone is playing by the same rules.
URI WBB used to regularly beat UConn women before
the Big East.
What they've gone onto is incredible, and unprecedented.
You probably thought Mike Tyson KOing people in 18 seconds
pre Buster Douglas was terrible.
It's called "just being better than anyone else".
How about UConn men's FOUR NCAAS?
I forgot how PC people hate UConn, because UConn
became what they dream of and will never be.
UConn has found the formula, and everyone else
inhales their exhaust fumes.
Trying to diminish their accomplishment is lame.
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Re: Geno Auriemma and the Lady Huskies of Uconn

Unread post by rjsuperfly66 »

Rod, it's not a UCONN thing. I respect the hell out of UCONN's 4 Men's Championships. I'd take 2 of them over Geno's 11 every day of the week. I think the men's game, especially today, it's a lot harder to win championships. You can recruit great in the men's game, but if you get 3 Top 10 guys, they'll last one season. Duke last year won with 3 stud freshmen. Kentucky won in 2012 with some stud freshmen. Last year, Kentucky had one of the best collegiate teams on paper. They rolled some teams early, including #5 Kansas by 30+ points, UCONN-esque. But you know what novel thing happened? Once January hit, they got tested some. Before the tournament, they played 2 OT games. 4 other games played within single-digits. But they got to the tournament, they had some easy games, but they got to the Elite 8 and faced resistence. Then they got to the Final Four and lost. And then all of those great players, they all went pro, and Kentucky was forced to rebuild, and this year they lost 9 games and were out in the 2nd round of the tournament. And in June, 4 more of those guys will go pro (only 1 by way of graduation). And you can bet they'll replace them with some good recruits, and they'll probably have a very good season, but they are likely not going to roll to a title.
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Re: Geno Auriemma and the Lady Huskies of Uconn

Unread post by STC »

What Geno and UConn have achieved relative to the women's game is very impressive and deserves a ton of credit. Where you lose me is when ESPN and others start comparing him to all time great coaches.

As for whether it is good for the game, I say yes. I don't watch a women's game EVER but I am talking about this...
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Re: Geno Auriemma and the Lady Huskies of Uconn

Unread post by rjsuperfly66 »

STC wrote:
As for whether it is good for the game, I say yes. I don't watch a women's game EVER but I am talking about this...
If we talk and never watch, does it really help anything?
In this conversation, people are probably less likely to watch, and even less likely to attend.
I officiated local youth girls leagues for about 8 years, as well as some at the HS and college level.
Because of that, I can appreciate a competitive girls game because the game is different.
More X's and O's, more technical, very sound.
But does that make me as a casual observer interested in watching UCONN nuke someone?
The only way the conversation helps is if it increases revenue.
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Re: Geno Auriemma and the Lady Huskies of Uconn

Unread post by bressler3south »

April 5, 2030:

Storrs, Connecticut.
The Nutmeg Old Age Assisted Living Home

NURSING ASSISTANT: "Geno Auriemma lives..."
JIM CALHOUN: (Gasping...) "Th..a.t....a.s...s..hooo....l.e...."
rambone 78
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Re: Geno Auriemma and the Lady Huskies of Uconn

Unread post by rambone 78 »

65-19 halftime lead on #20 USF......let that roll off your tongue for a while......

That team may never lose another game for years...they have a huge recruiting class coming in next year......and they have NO seniors [that play anyway]

Only 1 possible stumbling block left before the NCAAT....#5 South Carolina there on Feb.18th.

They will be going for consecutive win number 100 in that game.

They play a game with which we are not familiar.....
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Re: Geno Auriemma and the Lady Huskies of Uconn

Unread post by rambone 78 »

Final 102-37......seriously.
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Re: Geno Auriemma and the Lady Huskies of Uconn

Unread post by ATPTourFan »

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Re: Geno Auriemma and the Lady Huskies of Uconn

Unread post by TruePoint »

What's the point
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Re: Geno Auriemma and the Lady Huskies of Uconn

Unread post by RhowdyRam02 »

This is great for UConn, but you have to wonder if this kind of thing is holding back the sport of women's basketball. It's one thing to blow a bad team out, it's another thing to beat the #20 team in the country by 65 as you close on your 100th win in a row.
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Re: Geno Auriemma and the Lady Huskies of Uconn

Unread post by rambone 78 »

It will continue until Geno retires......I wouldn't want to be their next coach.....
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Re: Geno Auriemma and the Lady Huskies of Uconn

Unread post by rjsuperfly66 »

Yawn ... I love the product that is women's basketball, but I could care less about Geno and his accomplishments ... Neat, you can recruit a #1, #2 class every year ... You can keep them for 4 years ... And you can win because unlike other schools, you can pluck those top girls consistently. There is too much of a talent gap between recruit 1 and recruit 10 and recruit 100. Just think about it -- a girl like Britney Griner is 6'7 and can dunk ... #10 recruit is some girl whose about 5'7 who can shoot ... It's not fair -- not that Griner went to UCONN just the point about the talent difference. At least in the men's game, with one and done's teams, other schools can get 4 year players and have a chance to compete with experience vs. raw talent/ability. It's just a system set up so becoming what Geno became basically means he can build a continous dynasty with his eyes closed. He deserves credit for keeping them engaged and always winning, but his job is still a lot easier than even someone like Coach K/Calipari who can dominate recruiting in the men's game.
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Re: Geno Auriemma and the Lady Huskies of Uconn

Unread post by ramster »

UCONN's era for women is not much different from when UCLA and John Wooden dominated Men's Basketball

UCLA won the National Championship in 9 of 11 years from 1964 to 1975. They did not win in 1966 or in 1974(but went to Final 4). When Wooden retired this pattern of dominance changed and has never been seen again.

College Basketball at that time could be considered boring as well if you were not a UCLA fan. Everyone pretty much knew that it was going to be UCLA winning before the season even started. UCLA dominated in recruiting during those 11 years.
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Re: Geno Auriemma and the Lady Huskies of Uconn

Unread post by rjsuperfly66 »

It's called evolution though ... Men's college basketball became more competitive because they knew it was good for the sport. It's like professional sports introducing salary caps/open free agency, moves that were made to make professional leagues more competitive and prevent teams from stacking. Given the amount of sporting events on TV, it's about putting out the most competitive product possible to draw in viewers. Now, would UCONN/Tennessee women's game draw the same as Vanderbilt/Kentucky ... Probably not. But for me now (and I'm sure many others), it's a non-negotiable, absolutely no interest in tuning in. Won't even flip by to score check, no need.
Last edited by rjsuperfly66 7 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
rambone 78
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Re: Geno Auriemma and the Lady Huskies of Uconn

Unread post by rambone 78 »

I will be watching tonight as UConn goes for #100 in a row......will never see something like this again....although with the recruiting class they've got coming in next season, they may win 200 in a row.......

And Geno is concerned that his team isn't playing that well right now......sure them win by 20.......South Carolina is good but I doubt the game will be close.
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Re: Geno Auriemma and the Lady Huskies of Uconn

Unread post by ATPTourFan »

You're from Connecticut alright. Nobody else cares about UConn ladies because they've destroyed women's college basketball.
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Re: Geno Auriemma and the Lady Huskies of Uconn

Unread post by rambone 78 »

ATP, I'm from RI and I certainly am no fan of the UConn men.......

I like watching excellence at work....consistent excellence....a nice diversion from what we see with URI hoops.

That team never takes a day off....always plays unselfishly...always plays great defense...again, something we don't see very often around these parts.
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Re: Geno Auriemma and the Lady Huskies of Uconn

Unread post by rambone 78 »

Dan could take lessons from Geno......yes the men's and women's games aren't the same but the principles behind them are the same......

If Geno held classes for coaches.....Dan should be at the head of the line to sign up.
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Re: Geno Auriemma and the Lady Huskies of Uconn

Unread post by Rhodymob05 »

On one side of things, I would be naive to deny the fact that what these girls and Geno have done/doing is incredible, on the other hand, its friggen ridiculous and has ruined the sport. I'm sorry it just has. In my opinion if I see womens college basketball and it isn't UCONN, I'm changing the channel because I know what a difference there is. For example this season he lost a number of seniors, some were his top players and they are still undefeated. Logic does not apply here. Give me a break.
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Re: Geno Auriemma and the Lady Huskies of Uconn

Unread post by STC »

rambone 78 wrote:I will be watching tonight as UConn goes for #100 in a row......will never see something like this again....although with the recruiting class they've got coming in next season, they may win 200 in a row.......

And Geno is concerned that his team isn't playing that well right now......sure them win by 20.......South Carolina is good but I doubt the game will be close.
Until they do it again a couple years from now.
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Re: Geno Auriemma and the Lady Huskies of Uconn

Unread post by NYGFan_Section208 »

It is absolutely amazing what he's done someone that lived in CT for 18 years, not sure what the draw is...
UConn isn't a 'bad' campus, but certainly not a draw, and the weather is...well, New England....yet he continues to win at a ridiculous rate.

Women's college basketball isn't ruined because they're so good, it's ruined because everyone else has just fallen so far behind....
rambone 78
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Re: Geno Auriemma and the Lady Huskies of Uconn

Unread post by rambone 78 »

Geno is a great coach......not a great guy but nice guys finish last [Dan?] and he's got a great staff.

He gets players that want to play together and not be ball hogs like many other teams get. And they do the dirty work of defense better than any other......and we wish we could move the ball and get good looks like they do.....

Individual talent isn't's TEAM talent that wins.....again we could learn from them.
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Re: Geno Auriemma and the Lady Huskies of Uconn

Unread post by rambone 78 »

UConn, down by a point, scores the last 7 to take a 35-29 halftime lead....they know how to finish halves.....

But this game could be close....UConn usually blows out teams in the 3rd quarter after tongue lashings from Geno......
rambone 78
Frank Keaney
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Re: Geno Auriemma and the Lady Huskies of Uconn

Unread post by rambone 78 »

66-55...not their best game...but it doesn't matter....100 in a row....amazing.